How to recalibrate the Adsilent silent piano system

Here is a video I made to show how to recalibrate an Adsilent system. It might be slightly different between Adsilent 1 and Adsilent 2 but hopefully the process is similar enough to apply to both versions. Please scroll down for a written transcript of the video

If you’re getting unexpected sounds in the headphones the solution is to do a recalibration which is described in the manual and it goes something like this.

  • You need to start with your system turned off.
  • Then you need to press and hold play and record and hold the power button down for 3 seconds
  • In the headphones you will hear a little chime just to confirm that you’ve gone into recalibration mode and also you get two flashy lights.
  • The next step is to press each key all the way from the top to the bottom and play them with equal weight
  • If the pedals are working as expected in digital mode then don’t attempt to calibrate those.
  • If you do have a problem with the pedal calibration and they don’t seem to be working right in digital mode then press each pedal during this recalibration
  • When you have finished the full keyboard you then press the play button and you’ll see that the lights have stopped flashing now.
  • Also, just to point out that if you just have a problem with middle C or a couple of specific notes you don’t have to recalibrate the full keyboard you can just recalibrate those specific keys. But I think you might as well do the full keyboard.
  • It’s a good idea to repeat this calibration process a couple of times a year so perhaps every time your piano tuner comes around just remind yourself to get into that habit of doing a recalibration at that stage too.

Finished! Any questions please email
Mark & Julie Goodwin