Free 1st Tuning

All of my Yamaha U1 and Yamaha U3 pianos come with a free tuning included in the price. Here are the details:
When will it be tuned?
Most technicians recommend having a piano tuned around 6 weeks after delivery so that the piano has had chance to settle into it’s new home before the tuning is done. If you have it tuned straight after delivery you risk the piano drifting out of tune again very quickly due to it not yet being fully adjusted to the new heating/humidity levels
Who will carry out the tuning?
I have a map of the UK with lots of piano tuners’ names stuck all over it. I have got qualified tuners ready to cover every town & city in the UK who I have used many times before. If you already have a piano tuner and you would really like to use him/her then please send me their email address so that I can introduce myself and ask if they would be happy to tune your piano and also if they’d be willing to tune any pianos that I sell in the same area in the future.
Can I re-hire the tuner for future tunings?
Yes, if you are happy with the piano tuner that I send to take care of your tunings then please feel free to take his details and book him for your future piano tunings
How often should I have my piano tuned in general
The standard advice is to have your piano tuned once every 6 months. This allows the tuner to keep on top of things and make sure the action is kept in good condition which helps avoid any niggling issues arising over time. My sister has her Yamaha U3 tuned once every 12 months and she seems happy with that. I suppose it depends how keen your ear is and whether you can cope with the tuning being a little off. My 5 year guarantee requires that you have the piano tuned every 6 months and that you keep receipts to show that these tunings were carried about by a qualified technician. Drop me a line at if you are in any doubt about this.