Access instructions for container lorry drivers

Dear driver
Please follow these instructions to help avoid facing the wrong way around on arrival. It’s much much easier to reverse in this way.

  • Exit M62 Junction 20 and take the roundabout to Rochdale
  • Turn right at the end to A664
  • Then left at the roundabout to A664
  • Then right at the roundabout to A671
  • Then after you go under the motorway bridge you need to turn left onto Shaw Road which takes you past St Cuthbert’s school
  • You will pass the Turks Head pub on your right
  • You will pass a primary school on your left
  • Then bear right at the Puckersley Pub down the steep hill
  • We are at the end of that road, pull up on the left alongside the tall red brick wall
  • Then I’ll stop traffic so you can back in.
  • The reverse is a gentle 45 degrees, don’t overturn it into 90 degrees.

If you come from the Oldham direction instead of Rochdale you end up the wrong way around with no easy turn around.

Phone me on 07763 727763 if you need any help