NHS nurse sings “Thank You for the music" after receiving free piano

Related links:
Youtube video showing nurse receiving piano and her Abba song: https://youtu.be/eRkLGzHwGZg
Nurse’s “thank you” message: https://bit.ly/2WGkToz
Image of piano shop’s gift card to nurse: https://i.imgur.com/jd5ALg2.jpg
Piano shop Facebook status where Alex was nominated: https://bit.ly/2×7njeN
Alex’s own Facebook status releasing the video to her friends: https://bit.ly/36fsa1U
Headline: NHS nurse says “Thank You for the music” after receiving free piano
Sub-title: Nurse records her own version of Abba classic to say thanks for a free digital piano
A Manchester piano shop asked their social media followers to nominate nurses and keyworkers to win a £400 digital piano. NHS nurse Alex didn’t win but she received so many nominations that the piano shop sent her a free piano anyway. She responded with a very special video recording of her own version of Abba’s “Thank you for the music”.
Alex’s friend, Joanne, made the nomination, describing Alex as “a passionate and hardworking NHS nurse. She is proud to be a nurse and most of the time she is lively, bubbly and positive. But she has had moments of sadness recently where it has been more of a struggle. She lives alone (unless you count dogs) so I do feel for her returning from a shift to an empty house. Her usual outlet of amateur musical theatre is denied to her just now, so a piano would be an excellent way for her to keep her music going. Thank you xx”
Mark Goodwin Pianos had contacted Alex’s friend, Joanna, to arrange the surprise delivery and, last Thursday (14 May), Alex was filmed receiving the piano on her doorstep whilst eating a takeaway chippy tea. The piano was sent with a delivery note from the piano shop which read, “Dear Alex. I heard from Joanne that you’ve been working hard as an NHS nurse and that you are missing your musical theatre lately. I wondered if a digital piano might help you unwind after work? Please accept this gift on behalf of everyone in the country who understands how valuable you are. We hope you enjoy it! Love from Mark and Julie @ Mark Goodwin Pianos”.
Later that day Alex sent a quick thank you message and piano shop owner, Mark, thought that was the end of it but 2 days later Alex sent her amazing video to him after working on it with her friend, Joanne.
Alex posted the video to her Facebook page with the comment, “On Thursday … I was donated a Piano. My lovely kind friend Joanne had nominated me for a key worker competition a few weeks ago! I didn’t win, as I had expected, but Mark Goodwin Pianos liked her nomination so much that they donated me one anyway. This is a kindness displayed by strangers and loved one’s in my life! Love from one very delighted and super emotional Nurse!”
The song is a reworking of Abba’s “Thank you for the music” and opens with the line, “I’m nothing special, in fact, I’m just an NHS nurse”, and goes on to tell the story of how Alex came to be the proud new owner of the digital piano. Alex’s thick Yorkshire accent and sense of humour jumps through the screen.
Mark was surprised to receive the video, saying, “I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Alex looked and sounded stunning, what a talent and what a treat for her to put a song together for us.”
A week earlier the piano shop ran a similar giveaway which saw them send a digital piano to a secondary school music teacher and they are hoping to find a musical care home worker for their next giveaway.
When asked why they were giving digital pianos away during the pandemic, Mark said, “We realised this could be the biggest national crisis we live through and so it could be our only opportunity to show our children and our customers what we believe being in business should really be about. If you’re not going to look for opportunities to make someone’s day in the process of running a business then you’re not doing it right. We have always tried to put goodwill before profit so it made sense for us to get involved in supporting key workers in some way.
The response to the video has been fantastic with hundreds of likes and comments on our social media and also some media interest. My wife Julie, our piano shop manager, is now desperately looking forward to the end of the pandemic just so she can drive to Yorkshire to meet Alex and say thank you properly. We hope the piano helps Alex unwind after a tough shift with her patients and we are pleased to see that she has already been offered free video piano lessons by 2 of our Facebook followers.
About the company: Mark Goodwin Pianos, specialising in reconditioned acoustic Yamaha pianos. Showrooms in Manchester and West London. Established in 2002, originally selling antique German grand pianos but now exclusively selling reconditioned Yamaha pianos imported from Japan.